Resident doctors of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) today called-off their 19-day strike and decided to resume duties from tomorrow to avert a direct confrontation with the Supreme Court. They, however, will continue to support the anti-quota agitation waged by medicos against government proposal to introduce 27% reservation to OBCs in elite educational institutions.
This decision was taken during a General Body Meeting of AIIMS Resident Doctors` Association, hours after the apex court ordered medicos to return to work immediately.
With the ruling of Supreme Court, there was really no choice for the docs, but the protest continues in other ways.
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Excellent blog..neat writing and related pictures make this platform useful for not only Medicos of Maharashtra but for all Medicos in India.
Keep it up.
Youth for Equality should rally behind Shalinitai ex deputy CM of Maharashtra.The youth for Equality requires a political leader to guide their destiny.Shalinitai with the political background and with the compassion only a woman can have can wipe the tears of anti quota students and well wishers.Please meet her support her and let national televisions give her a wide coverage.While other politicians are keeping silent this divine lady has shown the way.
Former minister and rebel Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) leader Shalinitai Patil has set up a social forum, Maharashtra Kranti Sena, to propagate the idea of reservations in government jobs and educational institutions on the criteria of economic backwardness.
Talking to TOI over the phone from Koregaon in Sangli district, Shalinitai said: "This is a social forum set up by my supporters to ensure reservations in government jobs and educational institutions for candidates from economically-backward families."
Shalinitai, the widow of Vasantdada Patil, patriarch of Maharashtra, has stepped in at the right moment. In spite of being an NCP member, she came out openly against the Arjun Singh sponsored reservation policy and voiced her concerned for the Maratha and other upper caste youths. Her rally in Sangli on this topic was h u g e success. She does not fear her own party top brass knowing that any action against her by her party people would drastically go against them in the coming election. she has rightly stated that unless the Congress and NCP clearly states that the reservation policy of Maharashtra would not be on cast bases and would be based on economic criteria, they will be routed badly in the up-coming elections in the state. She has managed to gather enough support from within her party as well as the Congress on the issue, and any action against her would make her flag bearer of upper cast and would make her martyr further alienating Maratha and upper caste youth from the Congress.
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